The Latest Scoop on Developing a Newspaper and Magazine Mobile App

We live in a world where everything is at our fingertips. Smart devices have literally made our lives engaging. The type of joy which comes from a daily dose of newspaper with morning tea is unmatchable. However, with smart devices and apps invading our lives, accessing important news items at any point of the day has become a norm.
Nowadays, a large number of people rely on newspaper apps to catch on important headlines and the latest happenings across the world. In case you don’t know, the overall newspaper sales have went quite low ever since the concept of news mobile apps came into existence. So if you are wondering how to make a news app, you should be aware of the various aspects.
Why should you develop a News Mobile App?
Nowadays people interact more with their mobile phones. They are constantly detaching themselves from the physical things. In other words, it has become imperative for news mobile apps to provide content to the users on the medium they are comfortable with.
So if you are on the lookout to develop a mobile app magazine, you should have a worthwhile content source to reach more subscribers and users. Also, it has become a norm for news media firms to use apps to reach out to the users.
With the help of an app, they get proper opportunities to interact with their users. In simple words, with the help of a news app, you would be able to target more users with push notifications.
What to know while making a Magazine App?
If you want to develop an app which would provide important news updates, you should be aware of various things. With people spending most of their time on tablets and smartphones, the news apps tend to be a welcoming alteration.
As stated earlier, there has been a major decline in the circulation of print newspapers. People nowadays prefer to get important updates 24/7 via a news app. You should also be aware of the benefits of a newspaper reading app to derive more revenue from it. Let’s take a glance at some of the benefits of newspaper-based apps.
Higher Conversion Rate
When compared to newspapers or magazines, the conversion rate of apps is much higher. This is because the app allows your users to communicate directly which is not possible in normal newspapers.
Ability to reach more Subscribers
With a dedicated news app, you would be able to reach more subscribers. In simple words, you would be able to increase the base of your readers. This would provide your app with more popularity.
How to make a news app in android is a common question asked by many people. But before learning about the app development process, you should be able to understand the key concepts related with app personalization. You would be able to select which content to provide to your readers which makes the app more engaging.
Important Features for a News App
If you want to know how to make a news app in iOS, you should be aware of various aspects. Here are some of the features that your news app should possess.
Your news app should allow users to create and manage a profile. The news app should also permit the users to share content across social media channels with ease.
News Feed API
Taking help of APIs for news app development is one of the most popular processes. But at the same time, your news app should have a news feed which would help in increasing the engagement of the users. You would be able to provide content based on their preferences.
Well, we all know that news comes in various categories like sports, movies, politics, etc. Hence, your news app should have categories through which the users would access news items. Based on the app’s functioning, your categories may be manually curated or generated.
Search Function
You should always include a search function through which people can search for various categories and news. Moreover, offering an advanced search option with advanced filters would help your audience to get the news they like.
The Best Practices involved in the Creation of a News App
Here are some of the best practices which you should follow while creating a news app:
Sorting Stories on the Basis of Relevance
You can optimize the user experience by showing users the most relevant stories first. This helps prevent users from having to unnecessarily navigate through their feed to find something that is available easily. When you develop a news app based on this practice, it would improve your CTR for breaking news.
Show Estimated Reading Time
It is a good thing to indicate the estimated reading time just below the news articles. This practice would drastically increase the engagement of the news app among the users. Also, note that it is not always easy to include these changes in your news app. For best results, always consult a mobile app development provider. They would provide you with various suggestions related to the fine-tuning of the news apps.
Offer Related Posts
Another way to increase the engagement of your news app is to increase the session length and articles per session. This would usually be displayed at the bottom of articles to disrupt the user experience. To be effective, it is important that these suggestions are related to the news article your user is reading.
So as you can see, there are various aspects involved with a news app. You should opt for mobile app development services to increase the popularity and responsiveness of the app. It should also have a night mode in the news app which would provide the users with good reading speed. Hence, opting for professional app development services is a great way to increase the popularity of your app. News apps should also be easily integrated with smart watches.
Originally published at on May 24, 2021.